Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The New Face of HIV

The biohazard symbol was developed by Dow Chemical Company in 1966 for their containment products.  The symbol was used in the labeling of biological materials that carry a significant health risk, such as bacteria, toxins, and viruses.  I wanted to do a piece on what the biohazard symbol represents today.  Specifically, in the gay community it is recognized in connection with HIV among gay men.  The symbol let's other men know that they are HIV positive.  I wanted to find out from my NutBusters (my readers) what you feel about this phenomenon.  Are you for it?  Are you against it?  How do you feel about the sense of Pride behind it?  Below are pictures of men who have been "branded" with the biohazard symbol tattoo.  

1 comment:

  1. bunch of nasty ass bitches need to have the trojan man tattooed on them
